Տեսակ - Կուրսային, անհատական և ստուգողական աշխատանքներ
Գին - 1800 դրամ
Առարկա - Անգլերեն լեզվով
Էջեր - 6
The essence of capital, demand and supply
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4. Samuelson P. A., Nordhaus W. D. Economics.- 16 th ed.-Boston etc.: Irwin: McGraw-Hill, 2005.
5. Slavin S.L. Economics: a Self-Teaching Guide. - New York etc.: Wiley, 1988.
6. Walstad W. B., Bingham R. C. Study Guide to accompany McConnell and Brue Economics. - 14 th ed. - Boston etc.: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
The role and essence of human capital within the turbulent environment of construction companies on the Polish market is very often underestimated. The construction sector is seen as a field where the main advantage for the management board is the knowledge about the market, about its investors and prices whereas the aspect of human capital is considered as an executory force of assigned projects not as the force which builds competitiveness of the business. Simultaneously many businesses strive to change this approach, in order to gain market advantage and become more competitive for Investors, for example they highlight the role of human capital in the business approach.
The main aim of this article is to present chosen aspects of human capital in an construction enterprise. The starting point for further analysis is the theoretical recognition of human capital, its role and the integral connection with the intellectual capital of an enterprise. Human capital constitutes inborn skills and acquired skills, thanks to which if adequately invested in can be developed and enriched. This places the people in a significant position within the economical definition of business activities in a company.