Տեսակ - Կուրսային, անհատական և ստուգողական աշխատանքներ
Գին - 6300 դրամ
Առարկա - Անգլերեն լեզվով
Էջեր - 21
Chapter 1. Development of simultaneous interpretation and its review in theory of translation
1.1 Main Concepts and Development History of Simultaneous Interpretation
1.2 Types of Simultaneous Interpretation
Chapter 2. Strategies of simultaneous translation
2.1 Strategies and Techniques for Overcoming the Difficulties of Understanding the Text
2.2 Semantic Features of the Psycholinguistic Approach to Translation Theory
2. Andreyeva N.V. Psycholinguistic models of functioning of memory at simultaneous interpretation. − the BFU Bulletin of I. Kant, 2007
3. Simultaneous interpretation from Russian into English. – M.: R. Valent, 1999.
4. Gorokhova A.I. Comparison of direct and indirect ways of the translation in synchronous and written translations.
5. Hoffman E.A. To history of simultaneous interpretation. – M.: Publishing house of Institute of the International Relations, 1963. – 26 pages.
6. Zubanova I.V. The first time in the simultaneous interpreter՚s cabin. Bridges of N3(31), 2011. – Page 31-42.
7. Zubanova I.V. Simultaneous interpretation: As it becomes. Bridges of N1(33), 2012. – Page 16.
8. Ilyukhin V.M. The strategy of simultaneous interpretation (on material of the English-Russian and Russian-English combinations of the translation. – Moscow, 2001. – 199 pages.
9. Komarova T. K. Attention psychology: Studies. - a method, a grant. – Grodno: GRGU, 2002. – 124 pages.
The work is devoted to the semantic aspects of psycholinguistic research of simultaneous interpretation. Simultaneous interpretation appeared in the 20th century and is the youngest type of translation. Originally, hypothesis of a possibility of such type of translation caused heated arguments. After demonstration of opportunities of simultaneous interpretation began to apply on many international actions, however studying of this type of translation began only in the sixties of the 20th century, practically in more than 30 years after the emergence. Today a lot of things have changed both in the organization of simultaneous interpretation, and in the theoretical and practical information about him.