Տեսակ - Կուրսային, անհատական և ստուգողական աշխատանքներ
Գին - 1800 դրամ
Առարկա - Անգլերեն լեզվով
Էջեր - 6
1. Infinitive after Too and Enough
2. Infinitive after So as
2. Н. А. Кобрина, Е. А. Корнеева, М. И. Оссовская, К. А. Гузеева, Грамматика английского языка: Морфология. Синтаксис. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности № 2103 "Иностранные языки". - СПб., СОЮЗ, 1999.
3. А.К. Кравченко, Л.В. Ушакова и др. “The English verb. A new grammar for every one”, Иркутск, 1997.
4. А.И. Смирницкий, “Морфология английского языка”, М., 1959.
5. И.А. Грузинская., “Грамматика английского языка”, М., 1954
6. Quirk, R., S. Greenbaum, G. Leech & J. Svartvik. 1972. A Grammar of Contemporary English, Longman, London.
7. Quirk, R., S. Greenbaum, G. Leech & J. Svartvik. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, Longman, London & New York.
The infinitive is a non-finite form of the verb which names a process in a most general way. As such, it is naturally treated as the initial form of the verb, which represents the verb in dictionaries (much in the same way as the common case singular represents the noun).
In all its forms and functions the infinitive has a special marker, the particle to. The particle to is generally used with the infinitive stem and is so closely connected with it that does not commonly allow any words to be put between itself and the stem. Occasionally, however, an adverb or particle may be inserted between them.