Թեմա - Teaching Dialogic Skills at the Initial Stage of Instruction

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Գրականության ցանկ
1. Alexander, R. (2006). Towards dialogic teaching: Rethinking classroom talk (3rd ed.).Cambridge, UK: Dialogos
2. Brown, H. D. (1994a). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching . New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents
3. Forrester, M.A.(1992) The Development of Young Children’s Social-Cognitive Skills, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
4. Gagne, R., Briggs, L. &Wager, W. (1992) Principles of Instructional Design (4th Ed.) Fort Worth, TX: HBJ College Publishers
5. Habermas, J. (1991) The Theory of Communicative Action Vol. 1 Cambridge: Polity Press
6. Higgins, S. and V. Baumfield (1998). A defence of teaching general thinking skills. Journal of Philosophy of Education 32(3):391-398
7. Hughes, M. 1990. Children’s computation. In Understanding Children, edited by R. Grieve and M. Hughes, Oxford: Basil Blackwell
8. Wegerif, R. (2010). Mind expanding: Teaching for thinking and creativity in primary education. New York, NY: Open University Press


Instruction is a human undertaking whose purpose is to help people learn. Although learning may happen without any instruction, the effects of instruction on learning are often beneficial and usually easy to observe.
Dialogic teaching harnesses the power of talk to stimulate and extend learners’ thinking and advance their learning and understanding. It helps the teacher more precisely to diagnose pupilsʼ needs, frame their learning tasks and assess their progress. It empowers the student for lifelong learning and active citizenship.

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