Թեմա - Supply and demand of money. Balance in the money market. LM model

Տեսակ - Ռեֆերատ

Գին - 2700 դրամ

Առարկա - Անգլերեն լեզվով

Էջեր - 9

Գրականության ցանկ
1. Frank J. Fabozzi, Steve V. Mann, Moorad Choudhry, The Global Money Markets, Wiley Finance, Wiley & Sons (2002), ISBN 0-471-22093-0
2. "Money Market", Investopedia.


In deciding how much money to hold, people make a choice about how to hold their wealth. How much wealth shall be held as money and how much as other assets? For a given amount of wealth, the answer to this question will depend on the relative costs and benefits of holding money versus other assets. The demand for money is the relationship between the quantity of money people want to hold and the factors that determine that quantity.

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