Թեմա - Inflation, essence, different definitions

Տեսակ - Ռեֆերատ

Գին - 1800 դրամ

Առարկա - Անգլերեն լեզվով

Էջեր - 6

Գրականության ցանկ
1. Jeffrey D. Sachs, B. Larrain "Macroeconomics in the Global Economy"
2. James D. Gwartney and others "Economics"
3. Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus "Economics"
4. A. Markosyan, R. Safaryan "Basics of Market Economy"
5. V. Grigoryan "Theory of Economics"


Inflation is a complex macroeconomic process for which economists have given a number of definitions at different times. Let me introduce some of them.
Samuelson gave the following definition:
Inflation is the increase in the overall price level. However, I think this definition is not complete because it does not fully reflect the meaning (essence) of inflation.
Gwartney defined the inflation as follows:
Inflation is an ongoing increase in the overall price level that is the increase in the purchase price of the typical basket of products and services being produced or consumed.

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